Like almost all other businesses in the Cherwell district, at Spratt Endicott Solicitors we’ve spent the last few weeks adjusting to the new reality of home-working. Unfortunately, this has also meant that the Cherwell Business Awards have been postponed until November due to the Government guidance on social distancing to limit the spread of the disease.
As a member of the organising committee and sponsor of Cherwell Business Awards, our aim is to continue supporting local businesses through these challenging times.
The government has announced a raft of new temporary measures to support large and small businesses, business owners and individuals through the uncertain waters ahead. Our solicitors have been providing advice and guidance on these measures which you can see below:
Articles & Guidance from Spratt Endicott
Corporate & Commercial Law
The effect of Force Majeure & frustration on contracts
Employment Law
COVID-19: Guidance for employers
Providing swift employment law advice relating to COVID-19
Commercial Property
COVID-19: Considerations for commercial landlords and tenants
Wills & Probate
COVID-19 & Private Client law
Witnessing Wills in a lockdown
COVID-19: Advice for landlords and tenants
If you require more information on how these measures affect you or your business, please contact Spratt Endicott Solicitors today.