Banbury-based social enterprise Visit Banbury Community Interest Company launches an appeal
aimed to connect kind financial donors – who may not have been financially impacted by the Covid-19 crisis
and who may want to share this good fortune – to good causes, but in a different way from simply giving to
charity, and at the same time supporting local businesses who are under severe financial pressure.
Many organisations are appealing for support during this difficult time and many people are experiencing
hardship, isolation, and loneliness due to lockdown conditions.
However, many of our much-loved local businesses are also really suffering as they may have been forced
to close and to try to operate in alternative ways. For many of them sales have plummeted, and their
money is tied up in stocks of products they are unable or struggling to sell in great volume.
To address this, following requests to the organisation to connect people wanting to help others, Visit
Banbury CIC have created a way in which those donors can help others in need whilst simultaneously
supporting local businesses and promoting community kindness.
In short, donors offer a minimum of £100 each, Visit Banbury CIC brings together a group of them,
identifies a local organisation who needs something (e.g. art packs for elderly people, personal care
products for NHS staff, goodie bags for “looked after children” etc) and with the support of Banbury BID
will identify local businesses who need support and who have products which can be included.
A single bulk purchase is then made, the donors pay the business directly and the business sends the items
to the organisation.
Visit Banbury CIC and Banbury BID want to make this transaction very simple and so the new ShopAppy
platform for Banbury will be used for the donors to pay the business directly and then the deliveries will be made via the new service provided by Carriage Company.
Kirsty Leahy, Director of Visit Banbury CIC said, “We know many amazing organisations are doing incredible
work right on the front line and we cannot dream to emulate that, but we can do what we always have and
that is connect various groups, support local community-based organisations and businesses and work
with partners like Banbury BID to help spread some kindness”.
Jo Holland, Banbury BID Manager said “The BID has been talking to 100s of businesses over the last few weeks.
We have been struck by so many stories of businesses who were forced to close and have not been able, for a
variety of reasons, to continue to trade in alternative ways. This could be a vital lifeline to some businesses, who can
generate much needed cash flow from selling their bulk stock, and at the same time being able to help others is a
wonderful idea. The BID is proud to be able to support the Banbury Circle of Kindness.”
If you are a donor who would like to get involved please email or contact Steve
Gold on 07932 164663 or Paddy Patterson on 07455 007293 and if you are a business who would like to be
part of the initiative, please contact
Look out for #BanburyCircleOfKindness on social media for more information.